Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Gee, Billy I can't wait until I go to Higthhh School"

Well, I apologize for not blogging lately, "I love to blog", but I have been so busy! We went down south, the deep south, to visit the in-laws and go to Barby's high school reunion. Back in the day she was the eye candy of South Lafayette High. A million friends, a million parties, she was the queen of the high school. While at the reunion I had the pleasure of meeting many of her classmates. Needless to say I was thoroughly impressed with the number of famous people she went to school with.
Barby - Class of 1961

Chuck Manson, what a guy! He was Barby's first main squeeze back in the day. Apparently he was the senior class president. He had big plans for Barby in his cult, but she just couldn't bare the thought of wearing a swastika on her forehead. So, it didn't work out. Some how he was able to plan the whole reunion from the clink and even made a cameo appearance at the beginning of the dinner.

Jo Plastik Rivers was Barby's best friend and head cheerleader/parking lot whore. Barby could not believe how well preserved her face was. In fact when I shook her hand I thought I was shaking hands with the Grim Reaper. Barby asked what her trick was to maintain her youthful appearance. Jo said she soaks her face in formaldehyde for one full hour each morning!
Little Dicky Simmons . . . . . everyone knew he was gay back in high school. All the signs were there: long hours in the boys gym showers, president of the spandex club, he was always absent the week of the gay pride parade in San Francisco, and he was always oiling himself with the turkey baster in cooking class. His gay-dar readings are off the chart!
J.J. Dyn-o-mite Walker, he was the only one I could carry an intelligent conversation with. It was like I was talking to Gates, but he kept interjecting dyn-0-mite after every sentence. He was very interested in my career, and expressed interest in becoming a distributor in his community.
Overall the reunion was a hit and Barby was able to reconnect with her old chums. However, on the way home, all she could do was talk about Jo's face and how perfect it looked. All I can say is that Jo's face will probably look exactly the same 10 years from now at the next reunion.

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