Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Be Comin' to America!.....Today!"

Merry fourth of July! Actually belated fourth of July. Well, I am ashamed I didn't get this posted sooner, but by the end of this post you will understand why it took me so long.

This fourth of July like many in years past was awesome! Mr. Gates and his old Nam war buddy, who goes by the name of "Camouflage", put on one heck of a show for us this year! Each year Gates and "Camouflage" are in charge of the festivities in our exclusive gated hood.

"Camouflage"......still hates Charlie????
The pyrotechnics were amazing!! I can never figure out how this two can put on such a good show. They sure do locate some crazy war surplus for it. Rocket launchers, bazookas, and atomic warheads are their fireworks of choice. I always ask them who their supplier is, but they just laugh at me with their toothless grins. Gates doesn't ever say anything and "Camouflage" replies, "I don't ask who your supplier is." True dat yo! So any-ho, this year was especially crazy because Gates and "Camouflage" were eating 7-layer dip all day up until about 9:30 p.m. Then about at 10 p.m. they turned up some Niel Diamond on the 8-track hi-fi and began the show by using nothing more than a simple Bic lighter. Brilliant!!
They must have saved thousands of dollars this year! Needless to say the show was a huge success and will be forever remembered, if not difficult to top next year. Unfortunately, the president of the hood association was not amused, mostly because the grand finally set his house a blaze. We all thought it was just part of the show, but come to find out "Camouflage" just couldn't control himself any longer.

The next day everyone in the hood felt bad, especially Gates and "Camouflage". So we did an extreme trailer makeover and built him a new-"ish" trailer. Using mostly left over asbestos filled ceiling tiles and lead painted walls we found in the landfill. As a result next years festivities will most likely only include snakes and sparklers.